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На форумах с декабря 2003
Местонахождение: Шамбала
Сообщений: 637

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Behind behind the scenes
Here's a transcript of Making the Matrix DVD:
Shots are shown of the interior design of the Nebuchadnezzar, of Neo being freed, of the human crop fields. While these images are being shown Owen Patterson says...
Owen Patterson [production designer]: "We've fallen back on..the original conceptual drawings (Neo is shown being grabbed by a sentinel in the pod), that were trying to promote that idea of reality that isn't real. You look at it and go 'oh, that's a real place', but there are the illusions within it."

More than words: Music
When the sentinels head towards Neo at the end of Matrix Reloaded the music (score) changes to the music they usually play for scenes within the matrix
There is a song by on the Matrix Soundtrack by P.O.D. called "Sleeping awake" with the following lyrics
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Sleeping Awake
Dreaming of Zion, Awake
Can't stop Sleeping Awake
Well, both arguments are not hard, but interesting anyway.

There is a scene from the trailer of Matrix 1 showing Neo in Morpheus' ship:


'WAKE UP!!!!!!!! Dammit'
'go have anal sex with your mwm theory while ur at it.'
'I mean, come on'
'Your retarded theory'
'a cheesy explanation'
'it calls for a ridiculous plot-line in the third movie'
'Even a two-bit director could create that lame storyline. Bleh.'
'The worst theory I've ever heard is the matrix within a matrix idea. I wanted to bash that guy's head in..'
'If you go on believing that Zion is a simulated world or (Matrix within a Matrix) , then you are going on a wrong path and will end up confusing yourself even more and will never find the answers to tie it all together.'.
'unless the entire first two movies are building up a plot only to have it shattered, the idea of another matrix just doesn't make sense'
'It would be impossible to determine what's in the matrix and what's not, so the idea HAS to be rejected'
'it is really a foolish idea. It serves no purpose in the trilogy, makes no statements and furthers no ideas, it is merly an incorrect interpretation. Why? Why would they have a MwM idea? What purpose would it be to ahve this all a lie? Nothing! It is wrong! Completely and utterly!'
'it will reduce the Matrix trilogy to a huge Bobby Ewing-style stunt and alienate a large percentage of the films' fan base.'
'The Wachowski's wouldn't settle for such a predictable, crappy ending'
'There is no way in hell the brothers are going to cheat people'
'makes a mockery of both movies'
'MIM junk'
'I too hate the MWM theory, it's just too easy a cop out.'
'That just goes to show you how much wasted time MWM believers have by thinking up every possibility'
'I agree matrix in matrix in not real. people who think it is are stupid, and to lazy to write my reasons but there are a ton'
'Wacky theories that people are coming up with.'
'I hate it. I can't see why the Wachowski's would spend two movies buiding up the notion of the real world for it to be turned on it's head in the final moments of the third'
'Just plain suck'
'The wnole storyline would be nullified if Zion was a matrix'
'would ruin the plot'
'a cheap resolution often used in movies dealing with questions of perception'
'If that's true then most of my appeal to The Matrix will be ruined.'
'a stupid concept and only people with minds open to stupidity would believe such a thing. I bet you MwM believers would also believe that neo is not human but actually a super monkey from neptune plugged into the 18th matrix.''
'A big joke'
'The MWAM theory is nothing more than lame.'
'i think the MIM theory is boring, and i hope it dies at the release of M3.'
'too simplistic, renders aspects of the film puzzling and unnecessary'
'A curse upon those 'Zion is fake' infidels!'
'I 100% Totally dont believe in this MWM crap'
'The Wachowskis would lose a shitload of money'
'If the MwM theory is true then the entire Matrix story is just a cheap rip-off of The 13th Floor.'
'Please, stop with the weird 'genius' theories that make absolutely no sense at all'
'You stupid ZIAM people make me so frustrated. "Neo stopped the sentinels". That doesn't prove shit!'
'Oh yeah, sure, and after Matrix 1 I bet you said: "That must mean mirrors eat people in the matrix!"'

Все то же самое (;

Lets put a smile on that face

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