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На форумах с ноября 2003
Местонахождение: Резиденция AI-2 на Аиуре
Сообщений: 2082

И еще любопытная деталь из сценария 1997 года.

Морфеус ДОЛГО оправдывается перед Нео, рассказывает свою историю и вообще уговаривает нео пойти к Оракулу:
это большой, но интересный диалог.

Morpheus, I don't think this is a good idea.

I told you I don't believe in this stuff. No matter what she
says I'm not going to believe it, so what's the point?

What do you believe in?

What do I believe it? Are you kidding me? What do you think?
I'm still trying to deal with the fact that everything I
believed was real, wasn't. The whole world, my entire life
was a lie. I don't know anything anymore, Morpheus.

That's why we're here.

Why? So I can hear some old lady tell me, what? That I'm
this guy that everybody's been waiting for? The one that's
supposed to save the world? Come on. How do I respond to
that? I can't. It's ridiculous. I mean who am I? I'm nobody,
I'm just a guy. What did I do, Morpheus? Why me?

Faith is beyond the reach of whys and why nots. These things
are not a matter of cause and effect, Neo. I do not believe
things with my mind. I believe them with my heart. In my

And you still believe I'm the One?

Yes I do.

Yeah? What about the other five guys? The five before me?
What about them?

Morpheus tries to hide his heart being wrenched from his

Did you believe in them too?

No. I did not. I have never told anyone this, Neo. After I
saw the Oracle I thought... no, I misunderstood what she
told me. I believed that it was all about me. That I would
find the One, not that he would find me.

This is difficult for Morpheus to admit.

I believed that all I had to do was point my finger and
anoint whoever I chose. I was wrong, Neo. Terribly wrong.
Not a day or night passes that I do not think of them. After
the fifth, I lost my way. I doubted everything the Oracle
had said. I doubted myself.

He looks up at Neo.

And then I saw you, on the Net, searching for me and
everything changed. I felt this charge, this electricity
through my whole body. I started laughing and tears poured
out of my eyes, because I knew, I knew that you were the

His eyes blaze.

Listen to me, Neo. I know why you're afraid to go through
that door. You can't get free of thinking that I could be
wrong. You must believe me. There is a greatness inside of
you, Neo. A greatness that is going to lift you to
unimaginable heights and that in time will change the world.

Morpheus, I don't know --

I know. That is why it is so important for you to go.
Please, Neo, I'm asking you to find whatever respect you may
have for me and trust me.

Neo feels a rush from Morpheus' intensity, the
unadulterated confidence of a zealot.

All right.

~ Глас вопиющего в пустыне реальности... ~
Empty spaces - what are we living for? Abandoned places - I guess we know the score,
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for?.. The show must go on...
Inside my heart is breaking, my make-up may be flaking,
But my smile still stays on - the Matrix must go on...

[Почетный член общества охраны памятников архитектуры Кураста и Травинцала]
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