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На форумах с октября 2003
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Wink Вот, письмо пришло, радуйтесь

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I am writing to you from a wonderfully wet Washington state. Once again my interest in the paranormal has led me to discover the great outdoors. Had I written this last night, you would have heard a miserable tale. I was convinced that I had made a terrible mistake that sent me into a frozen wilderness on a wild goose chase. Today, however, things are much better. I have found what I was searching for.

As many of you know, I have been in contact with someone, or something, for the past two weeks. At first I was convinced that he was, at best, a hoax. My worst fear that he was a stalker, perhaps even one of you. I was terribly upset by all of it and didn’t know what to do about it. After several meetings, I came to realize that he meant me no harm and, in fact, needed my help. Then a terrible incident occurred last week. I was not present and I am safe. However, he felt that his presence could endanger me and so he left. I felt that he still needed my help and I assumed that he would be where we first met. I came up here as soon as I could, bringing Laika along to protect me (ok, to keep me company). Sure enough, we have met up and he still needs my help and I need yours.

I don’t know if I know how to help him. He claims that he’s not human. And oddly, I believe him. All evidence points to him being an AI or a robot of some sort. Yet, as we all know, technology is not that advanced. This is way beyond anything that I’ve seen in our labs and is almost frightening in how real it is. He believes that he has a function that he is not in control of. However we don’t know what that function is or how to gain control of it. I know that I should call some of the AI guys at work, they would love to get their hands on him. Yet, he’s not just a machine to be taken apart. I just can’t do that to him and, frankly, I don’t think he’d let me do that to him. Have I lost my intellectual curiosity? I don’t think so. I just know that I can learn more if we don’t go that route.

Would I be the hero at work if I brought in some rival company’s lost AI? Absolutely. But would I be doing the right thing? I don’t think so. Unfortunately, I’m at a loss of how to help him repair himself. If you have any ideas on tests that we could run, let me know. I’ve put a log of everything that’s happened up on my site, check it out. If it gives you any ideas IM me, I’ll have my various messengers up.



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Earwin в оффлайне Old Post 16.11.2003 08:15
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