Короче, попросил знакомого перевести часть интервью. Ну он конечно жуткий приколист (или он всегда такой???), но язык знает отменно. Ну я ему дал.
Вот что получил взад.
Larry: ...it will be interesting to see how the critic talks about the movie, and, that they don't like, and they don't see anything in it, and then it'll be interesting seeing how two philosophers would talk about it, and see something in it, and see something that works in it...
Ларри: бла бла бла бла бла бла бла бла бла бла бла, бла бла, йада йад йад йадада
Ken: Right.
Кен: Бла.
Larry: ...and listening to those two perspectives, I think will be inherently interesting...
Ларри:... бла блаблабла бла бла бла блаблаблабла, бла бла бла бла блабла....
Larry: That's what I was saying, it's like, it just becomes a natural validation.
Ларри: Блаэ ээээ....э...э... бла, бла бла бл аблабалабалабла!!!
Ken: I know. [laughs]
Кен: Бла {Ржот как конь и падает под стол}
Larry: I'm here to say that your opinion is whacked! [both laugh]
Ларри: Да ну нафик ты по моему борща вал !! [оба ржут, пуская слюни на стол]
Ken: "I don't know that tall skinny guy, he just came in off the street and started talking to Cornel, we have no bloody idea who he is." Um, we've talked about the nature of interpretation as well, and the sort of more integral a context you have, the more certain similar meanings can start to emerge for somebody, and, we, you know, you and I both are, you know, we're integrally informed. I mean, we share a passion for that sort of integral approach. So I think, without giving any of the things away, there's certain, certain areas of this, you know, overall production that you and I certainly see eye to eye on.
Кен: "Ты знаеш мы как то с пацанами пошли в Юлу, а там..... о там такую телку видели вобще !!!! Ууууу ! У нас в Барановичах таких не сыщещ ! А потом взяли флянец вотки, ух там началось ! А потом охранник мне дал мне ногой подзад, подонок ! Представляеш ? Вот это была жизнь!"
Larry: Yeah, and you know, I..., the third movie, is, it has its revelation moments, but they're all based on things that have been built up through all three movies...
Ларри: Да уж представляю, а уж когда я сварщиком работал, так тебе и не передать...
Ken: Certainly.
Кен: Конечно.
Tek - Episode 3: Revenge of the Battery
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