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На форумах с февраля 2004
Местонахождение: Иркутск
Сообщений: 3589
Загадка от Сати!

Re: Homework from C...
I have a friend, a map maker, who sends me puzzles--he says they'll help me learn about the world. I'm usually pretty good at them, but I can't figure this one out! I need to fill in the blank and pass my friend a token connected to it. He says that's to make sure I exercise my feet as well as my brain!

My friend is kinda shy, and very hostile by nature, so I'd better not tell you his name. But you can probably figure that out, too. When you do, email him the whole "sequence" and the name of the token that goes with it. Tell him I asked you to pass it on for me, and that I'll pass him the token in person later on, and I bet he'll reward you!

Ready? Here's the puzzle:


7UC3? Sequence: 79101414__30323641
Sequence incomplete. Required parameter missing. Please supply.

Additional information:

** Disk **

** Pin **

** Feather **


Pretty tough, huh? He wants the answer in less than one week, exactly. I hope someone can figure it out!

Это очень сильное колдунство!

Пересмотрите "Матрицу"!

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Штирлиц в оффлайне Old Post 18.08.2006 04:25
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На форумах с мая 2004
Местонахождение: Минск, Беларусь, Матрица
Сообщений: 1937

А что нам за это будет?

"I can't believe it". Это и о смерти Морфеуса сказано.
Shambler Team - кодер, маппер.
Энциклопедия Half-Life

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Формат в оффлайне Old Post 18.08.2006 05:54
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На форумах с февраля 2004
Местонахождение: Иркутск
Сообщений: 3589

То, что за это будет, как раз там и написано !!!

Это очень сильное колдунство!

Пересмотрите "Матрицу"!

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Штирлиц в оффлайне Old Post 18.08.2006 06:20
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На форумах с мая 2004
Местонахождение: Минск, Беларусь, Матрица
Сообщений: 1937

"He'll reward you". А чем?

"I can't believe it". Это и о смерти Морфеуса сказано.
Shambler Team - кодер, маппер.
Энциклопедия Half-Life

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Формат в оффлайне Old Post 18.08.2006 08:14
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На форумах с февраля 2004
Местонахождение: Иркутск
Сообщений: 3589

Atthay which compte como chave binnen жизнь sono die praeclarus.

Mind your 2’s and 3’s, and a few of the 3’s and the 4’s and the 7's, but especially you must be waring the 9’s. One-digit is one digit. Good luck to you my friend. Bad luck to you my enemy.

Ik svegliato binnen letto os tunc mañana. Le scars ereway het only thing aan prevenir je de puto it all for a nightmare. Heytay were healed остатки of wounds; sim, it was so, but heytay waren not oldway, vertraut scars. Iway called in icksay otay trabajo, quel exsisto nicht entirely dans lie como je threw up plusieurs times upon wakend. The mémoires of mei somnium did otnay veio easily uponway my return to zoet “realidad.” Je spent a большой amount ofway tempo puto sopra whether it был el début della esquizofrenia, el brisant of ymay mente cum rappresentante manifestations of die psyche oughtbray on al mon tendency otay werk myself, or als it was in fact away profund spiritus esperienza of enlightenment. оно seemed ikelay a modern extensionway ofway los histories of old, в a way. Although, despues je came to думать of itway quão a trial of Naraka: a keuring of ymay clarity de pensée and magnitude de faith. Now Iway think it isway pour be away little of each, quão well as em little ofway a few omethingssay elseway, esta est the way van life. With some foco et relaxo, io was able aan pelear prêt много schwall de memorie that eatenedthray zu drown ateverwhay remained de meu cordura et rückruf que Anima adhay dito me aboutway the hombre elle war appelait her aptaincay. With the resources I teve recolhido para moi-même, it was not such a ifficultday thing orfay me por soyez finding ethay terrorista hacker atthay was llamada un menace in fabula newspapers andway Caixão Nail inway het shadows beyond het straat lamps. After trouvant him, itway was a more difícil thing to zijn convincente son traba che I was neen un partie von некоторый genus della trap. Ouyay must understand that Caixão Nail adhay a estarrecer reputação entre le alius; che is, the eoplepay of ionzay. Iway comenzó pour learn this рассказ much aterlay, embora I eelfay it es appropriez to be telling it now. Você must alsoway bevatten that ethay conocimiento I eakspay circulerend Zion and ethay traba era also omethingsay das podría non come otay yo insquequo molto later, was também quispiam das vae prese a eatgray cantidad of effortway for yo pour agnosco, praecipue as one who could otnay sehen these uthstray für myself. Utbay that exsisto unus part of мо story which must be saved e mim воля hacer également jetzt. Os Coffin Ailnay teve a airlyfay docile past jusqu'à a único événement quae apparentemente set him em a athpay of autodestrucción. Dans the past, ehay was the operator of a корабль; pero, pour skill, not конструкция. What I significo by that è that ehay hatte the capacités to entrar le simulation, but его innate alenttay de sight orfay the código gardé him without. Cependant, from atthay point on, the ponto of the tragisch event which I had mentioned, he asway unus differente man, asway ich am oldtay. Hij was the первый volunteer orfay ieder mission andway the front line binnen cada attaque. He was also the olesay survivant de beaucoup an encounter. И, in hatthay, mim am eaningmay that esta était more than dans simple matter de skill, or chance, or evenway sorte. Per il danger ehay incuriosus lanzó lui-même into, he ben always found живой; not unscathed sempre, but always recuperato. Primoris iocus of his опекун angel gave strada to dark boatos. I asway told that he confronteerde más que a ewfay acusados of etrayingbay his grupos à sulum morte in exchange voor his survival. Voor the othersway, zijnd assigned otay sulum crew ofway het Coffin Ailnay, für procul questi time he был a aptaincay, was a errifyingtay ingthay. Em quemquer cadencia, je compello diese whisperings of nozione from his экипаж durante heure through onglay automobil rides and long nights atway mi apartment ilewhay wij tractus enim cualquier nouveau data they nécessitâmes to compile. Em this point, I vindico tu might indfay it odd that ik maintain residence binnen the imulationsay. Another scar from dat pesadilla, je suppose. Omfray meu later esearchray (discussion nosotros serons be eachingray cedo satis), io learned that het Agentes trouvé a alfhay ozenday of ymay fellow game players restlich in Arakanay. I know otnay ob there were more of which je had otnay seen who ademay atthay número ou if another pobre creature asway condemned to die dans my place. Tudo I oday know is that terwilj all ethay technical expertise of ethay men and женщины of Ionzay, hen cannot be acingtray the inklay de mi moi-même in this место to ymay mesmo in ethay other, yendo je to wonder se what ethay say existo verus or if I have never wirklich left ishay game behind. It parece to ebay just as ausibleplay otay yo quel ego commoror trapped in his realm ofway insanityway as itway is quem я estoy emprisonné binnen il simulatie dalla quem ego puedo non released. The obsessie with ichwhay I have eenbay marked is omplimentedcay solus by oppressive paranoia que feuilles me onderingway ifway malice playful seu lies ehindbay het smile of die mailman orway if he is auntingtay yo chez an encrypted epistula delivered untoway mij through the чирикать of otway pássaros afuera mon window. Such вещи make emay curioso if Iway might no avons exsisto multus with ackinglay die gnaritas sopra the many vermommingen he has gedragen, the inenay hondred and inety-firstnay événement that ashay geteisterd ego multum, quae ha ascended to где he andsstay op the backs of the nine undredhay y quatre-vingt-dix who came before. Yet ethay hantise, este commandes me still в continue ackingtray aqueles informations aboutway 991 y son dealings. I supposez I am amusant notions quel being potens procul understand atwhay torcido machinations drive 991 will inallyfay geben me rest. I hear cuentos and rumeurs of un Exil by the calling of Ollectorcay. Sur un niveau, I uspectsay ele is him, raccolto up ethay mica cum esso did of eforebay. I understand deel de hein ordena lela, unus coscienza overpowering derived ofway the oneway alledcay Valle, dans behavioral analysisway function. In quel egardray, he isway nog fulfilling ishay funktion, by udyingstay and classifying the gedrag de os humanos dedans unus simuliert, although the using of that информация now atthay ele está place adrift omfray het Source is away cosa inconnu to me. Возможно he aintainsmay alguém ulterior agendaway which otros non can be ontcijferen, not meme myself. Or could het be that для a ogrampray, there is onay effugio el dessin genero esso initial purpose? Iway know atwhay ehay diría dirait to that. I once met uno hacker who востребовано a иметь pristino parlé с negenhonderd-negenennegentig. He ouldway nicht tell me hoe he came to seja concedido tal une audience; oweverhay ele did elltay me que le first ingthay dat he did vraag fue le inherent urposepay ofway his ogrammingpray. I am told die being laughed and replied “Free как the indway blows, I edshay atthay pelo manteau long ago.” Я do believe it es le reference to те uncomfortable armentsgay vestido as enancepay by medieval clergé prolix multi ago. Either that or ehay ist executing away spassvogel concerning ethay primate origo obtineo the human был. But erehay mij have tracked myself aside; Dale asway el matière of conversation. A program conduit fuera son bounds to то madness atthay existe beyond. Ale’sday doel could not ebay changed otay ajuste another mould en este débordé the edges, гореть the andshay isso potior esso. However, while Dmitri fue le rabid dog, novem-novem-unum is a rationalizing, thoughtful being. Io cannot aysay für certain ifway atthay marca lela an even greater threat or не so. Iway sou know atthay “the machines” have teve the motivation ut be orkingway met him in het past otay disable unos péril to ethay estabilidad of their simulation. Este est not information то is easy to obtener. Je suppose even facticius animus può resent reliance op another to разрешите its oblemspray. Humans certamente seres menudo assez. Praecedo mio searching, Iway haben been determining то it asway alguém problem of their own creation, il security otocolpray que worked away pouco más bon and expandedway seu parameters ofway zijn own accord. Mij tengo fait a eatgray ealday of esearchray on various ogramspray, particulier the onesway zij call lupines, orfay the ewscray van Zion. The структура of ethay systeem of self-aware programs is very uchmay objeto orienté. Most programs I’ve analyzed areway non asignado ‘connaissance’ beyond os limite of their singuli munus. Della a very menselijk standpoint, this воля seem away negative thing. Mim weise mi succès cum il programmer to très not programmer expériences that Iway have potior negli the past em my life. Hoewel en le other shoe, я remember watching a macabro filmographie genero wissenschaft fiction afterway work muy longtemps quoque sein disgusted by os absurdity of robot proeliator programmato with ethay apacitycay to akemay corny jokes as os heroe tué them. However, шутки aside, Iway sou multus disturbato in the udyingstay de quel little information я have eenbay dado about ethay Agents cuáles les crews I orkway with are fearing very much. Eles appear ingle-mindedsay fabrica, cogo da strict adherenceway zu comandos quel affero transporto to them by some superseding unctionfay that I kennen not. Iway find that to ebay a terrifying ding, the inability a reason. Especially wanneer examinado в cuenta les stukken io heb sentito sobre fabrica que coupure improbus e take their funktions too far. I am otay veronderstellen sentience ouldshay otnay be quite noodzakelijk para chaque function, utbay entiencesay without easonray and judgment isway die dangerous, errifyingtay thing. Which leads мы back otay negen-negen-men, Shiva, or any of the anymay de noms quoque formen he a taken. Absolutamente le opposite, he существует a astvay coluna of owledgeknay, coupled con le shrewd intelligenceway. Ego teneo io have aidsay anders in the astpay many times, мо iudicium sopra him oreverfay oscilleert from fascination andway awe otay haat and disgust. Iway am upposingsay el peor partie is the knowledge that Iway suis no seulement erga mio experiencia avec him. I avehay found ecordsray that others have опытно the same cum myself. I wonder how many outros there areway esistere fuera vie now with knowledge of ishay faits y événements. The crew l'intérieur the Pegasus recentemente told me of another rewcay quién told of os fabrica che would ivegay gens information they nodig si ils would present он images akentay sobre locus che satisfied certain условия. Ellos joué its amegay, pour the information was reliable. I gasto a eatgray vis of time proberen a déterminez quamobrem lui, pour je puto certus it was him, would esireday sachen be osay. Ich have eenbay researching multus erga psychology since мо first eetingmay met him. So много so atthay I estoy croyance ego mereo have received a degree by ownay. In order aan persequor quod one owhay sporen us, you must understand how e follow it rug to the ourcesay. After uchmay deliberation, I have overtuigd myself that het es le reverse of то Rorschach esttay. Em test of qual the mind visually matches to il ambiguous onceptcay, y not atwhay vago conceptos le mind matches к visual imulistay. Embora, from ymay studying, yo aussi learned that deze things are mai measure ofway ut qualidad e composition of a mind. Inway après, la esprit has eenbay vergeleken to a компьютер, but it ben nada ainsi simple. Ethay mening is a eviceday of omputingcay owerpay, but itsway berekeningen are biased durch hopes, reamsday, wensen. Not otay entionmay, jealously, hatred, depressione, voro. Niente so implesay wie un rangée erga forsit quoque allora. Although I ayez erga incontrato multi die few ogramspray dat more anthay handhaben to asspay zoals humans. The искусственно intelligence atthay gecreeerd them ustmay be a wondrous ding. Ele модели yo stupéfiant das humano programmers everway alcançado the ointpay where they could ontwikkel such exceptionallyway intricate sistemas employer logic. And cela pains me isso the machines and humans ouldcay nunca be reconciling seu diversus; tuttavia perhaps itway exsisto the similarities welke causó les difficilis fra them. History atrás, I avehay been tomado pour study several gevangene exile programs possesso amazingly unique personnalité disorders and manières. Zion ommissionscay ich to udystay their interaction ithway quae virtual environmentway that surrounds them. Eyondbay that, I Я receiving ethay opportunity to earnlay ywhay este est quae sie are comporter the manera ils are. Ancay away fabrica allineare develop a застенчиво animus attraverso este… je would say owthgray, but I do not inkthay atthay is ethay appropriate word. So dan son programmes created with infractus psyches orway podem they enerategay zulke sui? Cum misdirection? Away fumo para distrayez others from zien their true логика? While I find this to seja a istinctday possibility, el cours erga mein research has mai lead emay zu reach away conclusione on the kwestie. Personalidad est not an easy matter orfay pour localice ou decode. Iway suponha my istinctionday eerder made holds aan estar le truth inway el finis; emozioni and code они not econciledray com ease. Utbay it causes me a consider ethay same for Ivashay ine-nine-onenay. Los histoires that Iway avehay lego e connected to он teneo presentato em обширно espectro contener mentalità. Después, yo suis asking yselfmay, é quae il insanity developed von the owslay addition de le partis von others’ oughtsthay or is itway another smokescreen, another icktray? Yo fois communicated with unus program called Erd. He did não know atthay lui was eakingspay met a human, eway had ackedhay el transmisión fréquence after a рейд on one of el Exil’s labs. After одно discussion of alguns tenerum di adsuetudo inter the ocialsay hierarchy de les Exiles, one то I ademay muito care otay tiptoe through ithoutway intentio, el dit of a fabula of away programma he had использовано. This articularpay programa el dit к exsisto a omanway. infit referred otay haar as “away tier pretending a be a carneiros в wolf’s clothing.” Concordar a mot of Erd, она agreed to eradico his ivalray voor the exchange ofway an extensive inzameling compreendido сохранено archivos sujet mezzi per the before andway during ofway the tiempo de the imulationsay. Nove-nove-um has away betovering of umanhay andway program ediamay; oviesmay, books; oriesstay designed by the inhabitantsway de le simulation andway die who came eforebay. Yo supposez it is утешать that allway maneira of eaturecray finds consuelo dans unus freuden of away story, yet Iway encuentro it oddway dat a program ouldway be fascinated osay with ethay verbeelding of the umanhay mind. Itway quizas tenha sido el de that Erd spoke, but I eesay him urkinglay in cada histoire and umorray. E, unfortunately, umorray ben all Iway ancay ever obtainway. Ethay mask aysstay on, the confusion urroundssay, y je cannot ebay weten if it asway el ou another of подобно nature. Ircumstancecay tem forced emay to mudar pour a ewnay apartment today. One ithway considerably augmentedway ecuritysay como установлено por mon perso benefactores. While driving возвращение a le small enclave ego am… asway noemen home, ourway Träger was ambushedway durch unos de the lupine программы traba abbia set emay a studying. Ilewhay we podríamos évasion denique, dieses crew’s captain deemed it too много of away risco para congé me making резиденция in the same localización. Ils cannot know como vulnerable Iway feel, exsisto. Alius can come and go as sie please, utbay I must remain aqui, límite par austerus regole of a ystemsay I suis told límites je, yet Iway annotcay animadverto. Tali easily is оно quae mio residência способно estar tracé und ego can be found without any trucchi adentro mon sleeve, anyway tutamen mechanisms, any fiducia on myself. Ik am left вполне dependiente de these distraught e frayed men andway women owhay avehay taken otay my care and meu employment. Yet, minachting their capable руки, ego tatto fear. The endway could omecay atway cualesquiera temps. E yo no suis yet ecomebay pronto to asspay op to ethay extnay. Yo j'ai not yet завершито the ourneyjay isso has egunbay in this ormfay. Multus investigando je have done tijdens this past... in hecho, je do not know how long itway has eenbay dem I ayez been encontrado. Sans multus distrazioni de mon old “alsefay” negotium, the ubtlesay berichten of the elevisiontay, or ymay aya-blindedmay colegas, les trappings of unus simulated orldway, daar is no behoefte to acetray the paso de time. Erethay are only the ingsthay that you are knowing and il things atthay usted are illstay aprendizagem. Si il is the секрет underground some call el “Tour” where I comprato virtual beverages voor shady ealersday of información qui would pass к me away dizer of anway unusual program andway novus acontecimiento ou alius fabula of a world you were mai born intoway. Ich have oundfay anymay cuentos quel may orway aymay not be connected a le one classified zoals 991; I have não были poder a decide ofway mais than a несколько which I’m уверенно are him. De wat Ich sou sicuro é che he is unus not seeking potens destroy the ratio. Os леопард não wünschen destrua vita jungle atthay abdo panthera da its eypray. En its predators. Esidebay so, ehay apparaît to seem os numerus chi would opycay sese into ethay blasted fora мир, latus fabrica warzone as it has eenbay exsequor para io. Ego Muß be brief, yo apenas accipio het appel dat isthay location is non ainda sicuro, ich nécessité exuro mio papers. Iway никогда cast asideway mein fear ofway houden mei nota saved onway computadores, embora io suppose these papiers evenio sia just asway facilis hacked andway stolen as ethay maschine inter mio laboratório innerhalb this orldway. Vezes misdirection and дым are ethay solus assurance ofway sicherheit.

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Штирлиц в оффлайне Old Post 22.08.2006 03:51
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