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На форумах с мая 2004
Местонахождение: Минск, Беларусь, Матрица
Сообщений: 1937
Yellow pill

MxO Vault: What is the “yellow pill”?

Eunoia: The Yellow Pill is a metaphorical device - inspired by the Blue Pill and Red Pill choice, obviously - that symbolizes the acceptance of the Real Reality. That Real Reality is that the so called "real world" is simply another layer of the Matrix. If someone were to find a way to disconnect from the "real world", they would find yet another layer of the Matrix, and the cycle continues into perpetuity.

Put very simply, the Yellow Pill is the device that shows you that the "real world" is not the real world, only another layer of the Matrix.


"I can't believe it". Это и о смерти Морфеуса сказано.
Shambler Team - кодер, маппер.
Энциклопедия Half-Life

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Формат в оффлайне Old Post 24.03.2005 02:55
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На форумах с февраля 2004
Местонахождение: Иркутск
Сообщений: 3589

Переоткрываем тему "Реален ли Зион"?

Это очень сильное колдунство!

Пересмотрите "Матрицу"!

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Штирлиц в оффлайне Old Post 24.03.2005 07:00
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На форумах с декабря 2004
Местонахождение: Road to Truthville
Сообщений: 968

Да, и перерисовываем флешку на стартовой странице всей Администрации. happy

Серьезно: кто-то еще считает, что Мхо - лишь выкачка денег и ноль философии? Официальное подтверждение нереальности Зиона - я такого в кошмаре не мог представить... Надо было быть к этому готовым, наверное. А можно поподробнее об обстоятельствах интервью?

Everything happens for a reason.

There is no coincidence - only illusion of coincidence.

Мы получаем не то, чего хотим, а то, о чем просим.

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Харати в оффлайне Old Post 24.03.2005 07:45
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На форумах с февраля 2004
Местонахождение: Иркутск
Сообщений: 3589

If you’re looking for some hardcore role-play in The Matrix Online, we’ve found one of several very promising destinations for you. No Exit is a unique faction in more ways than one and they are looking to do some serious RP in the Matrix. I contacted the leader of this faction - Eunoia herself - and she agreed to an interview.

MxO Vault: Why have you chosen to start an RP faction as opposed to a more casual MMORPG group?

Eunoia: I don' t know if I'd call all non-RP factions casual! Many of them require a much greater commitment than what we're requiring. What really got this going in my mind was a guild I of which I was a member through EverQuest called The Wind Riders. The Wind Riders and the Shadow Striders were led by two twins respectfully who had joined opposite causes and were opposed to each other. Because of this dynamic of two continuously warring guilds, there was constant opportunity for role-play because the conflict was always there, and it was awesome fun. I want to re-create that experience in a different environment.

MxO Vault: What is your RP background?

Eunoia: My very first RPG experience was "Hero's Quest", the board game. Later into teenagehood, a group of friends from high school started playing Star Wars: The Role-playing Game virtually every weekend. That was what got me addicted. I've been involved in many RPG's, table-top and computer, ever since.

MxO Vault: What is the “yellow pill”?

Eunoia: The Yellow Pill is a metaphorical device - inspired by the Blue Pill and Red Pill choice, obviously - that symbolizes the acceptance of the Real Reality. That Real Reality is that the so called "real world" is simply another layer of the Matrix. If someone were to find a way to disconnect from the "real world", they would find yet another layer of the Matrix, and the cycle continues into perpetuity.

Put very simply, the Yellow Pill is the device that shows you that the "real world" is not the real world, only another layer of the Matrix.

MxO Vault: That's enough to bake your noodle! Now, from that statement and info on your site, I think it's fair to say that you're a Machinist faction. Is that fair to say? If so, what is your overall goal in supporting them?

Eunoia: Yes, that's fair to say. We believe the only reason the machines failed to create the perfect world the Matrix was originally intended to be was lack of human input and contribution. Eunoia seeks to aid the machines in creating a perfect world within the Matrix.

MxO Vault: What, in addition to the yellow pill concept, distinguishes you from other role-play factions out there?

Eunoia: What's really going to make us different is we're going to be constantly offering our members stuff to do. The quagmire a lot of RP guilds run into is they have a troupe of members with fleshed-out characters and great RP skills but nowhere to go with them. They still get into the game more than the average gamer, but they're not really creating or impacting on a story.

As Janet Burroway says, "Only trouble is interesting in fiction." Characters need to be given a conflict, or there's nowhere to go storywise. We provide that.

MxO Vault: Will full-time RPers be viable in No Exit or will leveling be necessary to fully participate in the faction, its goals, and events?

Eunoia: My heart cries out for me to be able to say that leveling is completely irrelevant and RP is the only thing that matters. But of course, I can't really promise that.

Generally, players will have to be at least level 10 (Which isn't hard to do), because you have to be at least level 10 to acquire hyper-jump, which anyone who has played the game will tell you is critical to getting around.

PvP will be a big part of No Exit, since conflict with other factions will be central to having interesting plot. While PvP is entirely possible at lower levels, people will naturally want to acquire better PvP skill so they can have a more critical role in the outcome of battles. Plus the nature of MxO makes you want to level, because it's just so cool to do that twirl-and-kick-in-the-face move you can't get until such-and-such a level.

Level disparity is always a problem in any kind of multiplayer RPG, but we will do our absolute best to include everyone, and one's level will never dictate his or her worth or status in the faction.

MxO Vault: Are you willing to “train” those players who don’t have an RP background or are you looking strictly for more seasoned RPers for the faction?

Eunoia: We're looking for people who want to contribute to a storytelling atmosphere and are unselfish role-players (i.e. willing to get beat sometimes for the sake of a good story). RP skills can be taught, so we don't screen for acting talent.

MxO Vault: What is your advice to first time RPers that may be looking to apply to No Exit?

Eunoia: Write an interesting character history. Your character doesn't have to swallow the Yellow Pill concept whole (A few dissenters within the faction would be interesting, actually. That's what made Wolverine cool), but you should explain what has led your character to want to be a part of Eunoia and what his or her individual goals are. Then you should find some No Exit members in game and hang out for a while, do some hunting, learn the ropes. If you can pick up the basics, you'll find yourself invited in very little time.

MxO Vault: Now that the NDA is lifted can you tell us what your favorite part of the MxO experience is, from the RP point of view?

Eunoia: I love that the whole city is in-play. It gives you all kinds of options for secret hideouts and private meetings. Our faction house, for instance (The 13th floor of Club Duality in Kedemoth), was discovered just by running around through buildings until I found one I liked.

MxO Vault: Excellent info, Eunoia! Thank you for the interview.

Это очень сильное колдунство!

Пересмотрите "Матрицу"!

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Штирлиц в оффлайне Old Post 24.03.2005 09:25
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На форумах с февраля 2004
Местонахождение: Иркутск
Сообщений: 3589

Дословно не переводил пока - но на первый взгляд выглялит как человек типа cul8er-а купил доступ в МxO и организовывает фракцию сторонников нереальности Зиона.

Это очень сильное колдунство!

Пересмотрите "Матрицу"!

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Штирлиц в оффлайне Old Post 24.03.2005 09:26
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На форумах с сентября 2003
Местонахождение: Корабль "Нувасвсехнахер"
Сообщений: 18413

Пристрелите меня кто-нибудь. Даже читать этого не хочу. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Я знаю кун-фу, каратэ, таэквондо и еще много страшных слов!

...Учился фотошопу у Сати...

Мерз-з-зкие покемонс-с-сы...

>> We need focus! <<

Самыми красивыми существами в этой вселенной считаю девушек, кошек и драконов!


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Neo в оффлайне Old Post 24.03.2005 20:30
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На форумах с декабря 2003
Сообщений: 2062

Официальное подтверждение нереальности Зиона - я такого в кошмаре не мог представить...

Cтоп, где Вы тут нашли "официальное" подтверждение??? Просто появилась новая фракция... Интерес к игре подогревают. roll eyes (sarcastic)

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Alligator в оффлайне Old Post 24.03.2005 20:47
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На форумах с мая 2004
Местонахождение: Локация "Москва"
Сообщений: 1644

Пристрелите меня кто-нибудь. Даже читать этого не хочу. roll eyes (sarcastic)

тебя пристрелишь, как же... big grin

Choosen One

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Choosen в оффлайне Old Post 25.03.2005 05:54
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Жительница Зиона

На форумах с декабря 2003
Местонахождение: Da Real World
Сообщений: 2664

Так есть в игре эта желтая таблетка или нет? Мда...официальное подтверждение той или иной точки зрения - это как-то....не такhappy

Допрыгалась, брунетка? (с) Гоблин
Но кости срастутся.

Будь внимателен, Человек. Не верь и не доверяй. Ты - в Игре.


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Easter в оффлайне Old Post 25.03.2005 09:56
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Абсолютно новое существо. Свободное!

На форумах с сентября 2003
Местонахождение: Inside your mind
Сообщений: 13351

Мало ли чего.... завтра я организую фракцию пытающихся реинкарнировать Смита и что — это будет значить, что Смит ожил?

Не вижу пока что никакого официального подтверждения (хотя английский текст дословно не читал, признаю свою вину...)

Высказывать Дао словами - наша профессия. (Это была рекламная пауза, ххе). © Макс Фрай

May the Source be with you!

Господа и дамы, помните: в парижской палате мер и весов до сих пор нет эталона справедливости.

I thought I told you, that we won't stop! © ...

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Смит в оффлайне Old Post 25.03.2005 15:52
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На форумах с декабря 2004
Местонахождение: Road to Truthville
Сообщений: 968

Виноват, не разобрался поначалу, да еще мой инглиш... разберешься тут. Еще раз извиняюсь за опрометчивые мысли и поспешные выводы. Онли хьюман... frown frown frown frown frown

Everything happens for a reason.

There is no coincidence - only illusion of coincidence.

Мы получаем не то, чего хотим, а то, о чем просим.

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Харати в оффлайне Old Post 26.03.2005 08:36
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Xerox II

На форумах с января 2004
Местонахождение: Living in sanity.
Сообщений: 253

Да, и перерисовываем флешку на стартовой странице всей Администрации.

Вариант уже предлагался...big grin

По умолчанию Зион не реален!

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Xerox II в оффлайне Old Post 12.04.2005 04:04
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